Onet Technologies Formation certified Qualiopi

Following the 2019 Training reform, professional training organizations can now claim Qualiopi certification, THE "quality certification referential for organizations providing actions contributing to skills development",

Onet Technologies has obtained this certification, once again confirming the quality of its training activities.

 Qualiopi certified process

This certificate is awarded on the basis of various criteria, including analysis of the program and organization, the success rate of trainees in the tests, trainee and customer satisfaction, and the qualification and development of trainer knowledge and skills.

From January1, 2022, training organizations will be required to hold this certification in order to access public or mutualized funding. This will give them the opportunity to compete for government tenders.

As a reminder, Onet Technologies supports nearly 30,000 trainees every year, who are trained by more than 100 instructors whose experience in the field is a real added value.

Onet Technologies provides nuclear training throughout France for individuals and professionals wishing to train for the industrial, nuclear and construction sectors.

Obtaining this certification is a guarantee of quality that will ensure the continued excellence of our training courses.  

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