SimulatorHuman Safety

Surveillance and guarding, screening, access control, alarm response, fire safety and personal assistance... our security guards carry out a wide range of missions to help protect your business.

Do you want to ensure the safety and security of your site and its occupants? Do you have a recurring need for human security services?
In just a few clicks, estimate your needs and obtain the cost of this service*.

Do you have a specific human safety requirement? Click here to make an appointment with a security expert

*Prices shown are indicative and apply to assignments lasting more than 1 year, from Monday to Saturday, excluding Sundays and public holidays, and excluding specific equipment and training.

The number of positions corresponds to the mission. For example, if you require a SSIAP position for 24 hours a day over 5 working days, this would correspond to 3.42 FTE.

Station 1
Please complete all fields for this position.
Would you like a mobile guard post?

Rapidly deployable and totally autonomous, this mobile device makes up for the absence of a Base Vie on sites requiring occasional surveillance (construction sites, disaster sites, events, etc.).
Its sanitary facilities, changing room, IT and electrical equipment optimize working conditions for security guards and meet our joint obligations under the French Labor Code.

This service will be costed by our expert according to your site.
Do you need remote surveillance?

Onet Security real-time control and analysis of the security level on your sites remotely monitored by our partner (APSAD P5 certified), and the ability to trigger alarm response actions 24/7

This service will be costed by our expert according to your site.

Your estimate

- VAT/month Estimated amount given for information only Corresponds to - FTE.

Do you have a particular need, or does your company have special safety requirements?

Make an appointment with an expert

Do you have a specific need or would you like to find out more about one-off human security services? Make an appointment with our expert.

Why run a simulation
of Human Security rates?

This simulator will help you in your search for human security solutions. The Onet Security security company provides this simulation tool to enable you to make an initial price estimate before contacting our experts.

What does the human safety tariff simulation include?

The price quoted includes daytime working hours from Monday to Saturday, human resources trained in daytime hours and overall management of the activity. The price quoted does not include electronic security solutions, remote surveillance or a stand-alone guard post.

Will the price displayed be the same as the customized quote?

Every customer is unique, and so are your human security requirements, which may be specific to the site to be secured. That's why the price shown is an indicative price that gives you an initial idea of the cost of deploying human security guards on your site. 

How do I get a customized quote?

If you'd like to add additional services, please tick the boxes for a stand-alone guard station or remote surveillance. This information has no influence on the price displayed in the simulation, as we need to analyze your site in order to provide you with a personalized quote.

What does an online security rate simulation involve?

The human security rate simulation does not commit you to anything. It provides you with the first pricing elements immediately. This estimate must be supplemented by a personalized quote.
Only the acceptance of the personalized quote will trigger the implementation of the human security service.

Onet Security - performance
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Quotation simulators