Our participation in changes in the cleaning industry through training

Christophe Pons, Group Training Director, has been appointed Chairman of the CPNEF (Commission Paritaire Nationale de l'Emploi et de la Formation Professionnelle de la Propreté). This decision-making body on employment and training in the sector concerns some 540,000 employees. As part of its commitment to making a real impact, the Group will continue to make its mark by guiding national policies towards greater inclusion.


Onet's belief in training

As a committed company with a major role in society, Onet invests in the skills of its employees.

Through training, whether with the Onet University or through training organizations (Onet Technologies Formation, etc.), we enable them to evolve, grow, develop and improve their performance, which in turn encourages motivation and loyalty. Our involvement in the subject of professional training in the branches of our service professions supports this commitment. 

The challenge for Onet: to be pro-active in decision-making on the development of the profession

"Everything that is decided in terms of employment and vocational training depends on the joint decisions taken at branch level in this CPNEFP," confides Christophe Pons, who is delighted to take up his new post and well aware of the challenges facing the cleaning industry. The involvement of one of our employees in a body with so much weight in everything directly related to the profession is a real asset for the Group: "There's no disconnect between Onet and the commission, I'm still in the same business", explains the new chairman.

But the major advantage for the branch is that "the interest is common. I'm not a decision-maker, but I'm going to support what Onet wants and what is in the interests of the branch," he adds.

He is keen to point out that "even if I'm stamped as an employer at joint meetings, I carry the values of my company to defend a vision that enhances employment and the industry. I'm convinced that, whatever the subject under discussion, if we are to improve the value of our professions, I must always think first of cleaners".

Understanding the role of the CPNEFP

The CPNEFP promotes vocational training in line with employment trends in the cleaning industry. It participates in the study of training, upgrading and professional readaptation methods for the various qualification levels. It periodically examines trends in the sector's diplomas and qualifications, professional qualifications, and information on the sector's continuing vocational training activities.

The CPNEFP also examines the quantitative evolution of jobs and qualifications through an Observatory. Its conclusions regarding vocational training needs are made public. 

In addition, its system of alternating governance between employers and trade unions ensures real parity in decision-making. By working closely with the Ministry of Labor, the CNEFP is able to promote and defend qualifications and jobs in the cleaning industry.

The objectives of the new mandate

In February 20021, anew mandate began. The aim of this 2-year mandate is to support the 540,000 employees in the waste management sector in improving the security of their career paths and enhancing their operational skills. As the new Chairman of this body, our Group Training Director, Christophe Pons, explains:

"I am committed to supporting and encouraging the development of the profession. Through this mandate, I want us to show that anything is possible in the cleaning sector, and that the industry's training programs can help the men and women who work in this sector to progress. The roadmap for this mandate is to develop training courses to combat illiteracy, as well as the "Certificats de qualifications professionnel propreté" for the sector's workers, team leaders and supervisors.
Christophe Pons



An overview of the various priorities already defined:

A look at inclusion

Among the top priorities for the profession, the fight against the divide in access to training, with a particular focus on combating illiteracy and e-illiteracy.

Promoting access to training by issuing professional qualification certificates (CQP) is also perfectly in line with the objectives of enhancing the value of the branch's professions.

Promote cleaning jobs and related services by making the sector more attractive

This is particularly important: internally, to inform employees and encourage them to develop their careers through training; and externally, to public authorities, guidance services and training organizations, to promote jobs that are recruiting and that benefit from organized training.

Promote and perpetuate the cleaning professions at major events

The challenge is not only to enhance the value of the cleaning professions, which play an integral part in the success of major events, but also to question the sustainability of these post-event jobs. Negotiations are underway to have these trades recognized as emblematic. The organization in France of the Rugby World Cup in 2023 and the Olympic Games in 2024 are part of this challenge.



  • 13,000 companies
  • More than 540,000 jobs
  • 16 billion euros in sales
  • 50% of employees have no formal qualifications
  • More than 30,000 Certificates of Professional Qualification (CQP) issued
  • 25% of professionalization funds are dedicated to combating illiteracy

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