ESSP: Étude de Sûreté et de Sécurité Publique (Public Safety and Security Study)

This diagnosis, which guarantees the safety of an environment, must be carried out with precision and professionalism. Here we take a look at what's at stake in an ESSP, and why it's so important.

What is a public safety and security study (PSSS)?

In certain cases, it is mandatory to carry out a public safety and security study in order to obtain planning permission for a site or building. This analysis consists of verifying the safety hazards and assets that an area may represent.

This study provides an understanding of the threats, but also of the elements that need to be taken into account during the construction phase. The ESSP guarantees an assessment of the weaknesses and strengths of a site in terms of security. Following this study, recommendations are shared to ensure that the site in question benefits froma compliant layout with maximum safety.

This analysis includes advice on access routes for emergency services, technological installations such as video surveillance, security equipment, etc.

Why is ESSP crucial?

In the areas covered by this study, ESSP has a triple purpose. In addition to ensuring building safety, it also aims to combat malicious acts and delinquency, and contributes to the protection of citizens and their property.

The teams in charge of creating a development will be more easily aware of the delinquency to which the development could be exposed. This way, they'll know what safety equipment to add to enhance the security of the construction.

These diagnostics also contribute to the solidity of their construction. With these supports, the risks to which the infrastructure is exposed will be known even before construction begins. These risks include the possibility of fire or collapse. Proposals can then be made to avoid any such problems after construction.

The primary aim of this ESSP study is to provide the necessary safety for residents living in the vicinity of the construction. In this way, once the development project has been completed, the risk of collapses or accidents will be reduced.

Who is concerned by ESSP?

There are several types of operation where it is imperative to call on a service that can draw up such a study.

Public-access buildings (ERP)

This type of study is absolutely essential for the construction of a 1st or 2nd category building, or an extension of more than 10% in urban areas with more than 100,000 inhabitants. These projects are subject to very precise protocols. With the same objective in mind, development projects such as railway stations and overhead systems must also call in a service to carry out this study.

Major real estate projects

Real estate developments that create a net floor area (SHON ) greater than 70,000 m², in one or more phases, in a conurbation of over 100,000 inhabitants, require an ESSP. The ESSP will assess the construction site and define how to protect future residents.

Creation of a major industrial site

Finally, for major industrial projects, such as a battery production plant, the ESSP is also essential. If it is to be carried out, an upstream study must be carried out to identify the potential hazards associated with this type of production, so that the site can be built in compliance.

Process for carrying out an ESSP

For this study to be successful, it must be carried out in several stages. It's important to understand the environment and its threats before implementing any recommendations.

Risk analysis

The first step in an ESSP is to grasp the issues surrounding the future project. This means analyzing the context and defining :

  • Threats of malice and crime
  • Spatial hazards
  • Environmental risks

These parameters need to be carefully analyzed, as they will have a major impact on the future facility.

Definition of preventive measures

Once all the risks have been defined, this study will enable us to define solutions to reduce all the potential threats to which the project is exposed. These solutions apply to all areas, i.e. urban planning and architecture.

Implementation of recommendations

As soon as the measures are ready, they can be applied in advance of the project. Some recommendations can only be implemented once construction has progressed. In this case, it's important to choose the most appropriate time to implement the proposed solutions.

Monitoring and evaluation of measures

Many of the companies in charge of this study will also monitor the progress of your layout, and ensure that the resolving elements are still appropriate. They'll be able to see whether these solutions still meet potential threats, while respecting the space.

Onet helps companies comply with ESSP requirements

Onet Security offers specific support in carrying out an ESSP upstream of your project. Our team of safety and security experts will carry out an audit and provide advice, and draw up this study for you, to complete your building permit application. 


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