Green logistics: Onet and Michelin innovate and decarbonize on-site transport
The logistics sector is heavily involved in the ecological transition. To reduce its environmental footprint, it must adapt and turn to clean technologies aimed at reducing polluting emissions. This is where green logistics comes in. Combining innovation and respect for the environment, it is now an essential element for companies in the sector. Onet Logistique supports many professionals in implementing solutions that can optimize their on-site performance, such as the decarbonization of transport.
At Michelin's request, we therefore proposed an innovative solution to our customer, which is fully in line with the concept of green logistics.
What is green logistics? definition :
It refers to all the measures put in place to protect the environment and reduce the impact of flows. It is part of an eco-responsible approach that affects every link in the supply chain, from order preparation to road transport.
Of course, it has positive effects on the environment, but that's not all. It also :
- Economical, because it allows you to avoid increases in logistics costs;
- Strategic, because it's an invaluable tool for maintaining your position in a highly competitive market;
- Ethical, because it illustrates an active approach and concrete involvement that goes beyond legal obligations.
To improve their logistics performance while taking sustainable development into account, companies need to adapt. What are the challenges? The first objective is to overcome dependence on fossil fuels in favor of renewable energies. At the same time, reducing the number of kilometers traveled or the number of vehicles in the fleet is an interesting response. To achieve this, the solution is to make the most of journeys and occupancy rates.
When it comes to deliveries, there's plenty of room for improvement. Last-mile logistics can also be improved, particularly in congested urban areas. Waste and packaging management are also central to green logistics. The aim is to reduce the volume of waste and use recyclable materials. Finally, optimized warehouse management significantly reduces energy consumption.
Innovation in support of the ecological transition for a green supply chain
Thegreen supply chain offers a wide range of opportunities for innovation. They guarantee an ecological transition and, at the same time, more efficient management. The use of digital technology is a major factor in improving logistics organization. It promotes better flow management, with artificial intelligence and order anticipation in particular. Thanks to blockchain, information exchanges are faster and more secure throughout the supply chain. The traceability of logistics flows is guaranteed, the risk of errors reduced and productivity enhanced. Streamlining information is also a way of ensuring better customer service, by adapting to their needs as effectively as possible.
In the freight transport sector, the introduction of electric vehicles represents a major step towards decarbonization. In collaboration with our customer Michelin, we carried out an action of this type at one of their sites. This operation is in line with the company's policy of substantially reducing its carbon footprint.

and nearly 2 million jobs, logistics accounts for 10% of France's GDP
Onet Logistique and Michelin launch a project to decarbonize on-site transport
A simple challenge: reduce the impact of logistics transport
With sales of 200 billion euros and almost 2 million jobs, logistics accounts for 10% of French GDP. But the sector is also a major energy consumer. Road transport accounts for a significant share of this consumption: in 2017, it accounted for 80% of freight transport in France. It is also extremely dependent on fossil fuels. In 2020, almost all French road transport (98%) was powered by petroleum fuels. This situation needs to be remedied as a matter of urgency, as gas emissions from petroleum fuels are colossal.
Aware of this problem, we suggested to Michelin that they implement a cleaner alternative at their Chantemerle site. Our action focused on switching the company's fleet of tractors to electric power. Gaelle Almeida is Logistics Manager for France and Benelux at Michelin. She explains the origins of the initiative at Chantemerle, Michelin's largest European distribution center. The site has a surface area of 140,000 square meters, and 100 trucks pass through every day. " CSR is at the heart of Michelin's strategy. When it comes to logistics in particular, our business involves sending trucks out on the road every day. So we have a major role to play. One of the possibilities open to us was to decarbonize our transport "in situ". We therefore launched a project in collaboration with Onet Logistique on fleet tractors.
Saving 50 tonnes of CO2 per year
The project was monitored by our teams, and a video report was produced on the subject. It illustrates this example of green logistics applied to the "in situ" logistics sector ." This project was co-constructed with the Michelin customer. The upstream study was crucial," explains Nicolas Verger, Logistics Operations Manager at Onet Logistique.
The first step was therefore to carry out a consumption study, which identified the items consuming the most CO2. This involved 3 yard tractors, whose consumption represented 50 tonnes of CO2 each year. The 3 tractors were then fitted with tracers, to better understand their routes and position the bollards at strategic points. As Nicolas Verger points out, this makes for greater efficiency and reduces the carbon footprint of our warehouses:
"We defined where to place the electric charging points so that we could charge the porters without disrupting our business. The aim behind this project was to renew our aging equipment, give our employees new equipment and better working conditions, and decarbonize all our on-site activities."

Green logistics for the well-being of users
We wanted to simplify everyday tasks and provide users with additional working comfort, which is also one of the objectives of green logistics.
Electric tractors offer many advantages:
- Noise pollution is greatly reduced, with a noise level equivalent to that of an electric car.
- Easier access thanks to a much lower step than on internal combustion tractors. This reduces the risk of musculoskeletal disorders.
- Air suspension for optimum comfort all day long.
- An air-conditioned cab, protecting the user from the heat.
- A reversing camera for safe travel.
- A significant time-saver, given the limited diesel autonomy of combustion tractors. " With combustion tractors, we had to fill up every day. We don't have a tank on site, so we had to go to the filling station with a mule and transfer the diesel to the thermal tractors. As a result, we always had 20 to 25 minutes to fill up the port, so out of 5 ports, every day. Today, with electric power, you just plug in and don't have to worry about anything else. It's really easy to use," explains Vincent Le Dieu, Onet Logistique Team Leader.
This change has been very well received around the warehouses, as Gaëlle Almeida can attest: "I'm hearing feedback from drivers after just a few days, a few weeks of use: this initial feedback in terms of ergonomics and less noise is very good."
Onet Logistique already committed to sustainable logistics
The project initiated at Chantemerle is the first of its kind. As such, it acts as a laboratory, and could be duplicated at other sites in France and Europe. " The Chantemerle site is seen as a pilot, a demonstrator," says Gaëlle Almeida. " Michelin's objective is to gather feedback from users, but also from operations, to draw all the useful lessons from this pilot so as to be in a position to pursue the deployment of electric fleet tractors on other Michelin sites ".
For both Michelin and Onet Logistique, this initiative is part of a global approach to decarbonizing the supply chain. " This project is part of Onet's fleet management policy. Onet has 4,000 vehicles, 13% of which are hybrid or electric. The challenge is really to switch more and more of our vehicles to this green route," asserts Nicolas Verger. To facilitate this transition, 60 recharging points have already been installed. They enable Onet employees, partners and customers to recharge their personal or professional vehicles on a daily basis.
There are many Onet projects linked to this issue. Our aim is to continue our decarbonization drive across the entire business chain. Every day, we are committed to meeting these new challenges, because innovation is at the heart of our DNA.
Are you a company or a logistics professional? Contact us and let's work together to imagine tomorrow's green logistics solutions.

How to make logistics green? Here's an example:
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