New commercial success for Onet Technologies at ICPE 312 on the CEA Cadarache site
ICPE 312 is a classified facility for environmental protection. Its main missions are the decontamination, sorting and reconditioning of low- and very-low-level radioactive waste.
This waste comes from research laboratories, dismantling or clean-up operations, and must be correctly sized before being sent directly toANDRA.
Onet Technologies will be responsible for advising CEA waste producers on how to handle their waste, and for the administrative control of their packages.
Our specialized waste team will also be working on the ARIES measurement chain to supervise and measure the spectrometry of reconditioned packages. These measurements are carried out after the waste has been repackaged, before being sent to ANDRA or transferred to the ROTONDE facility, which also houses other packages destined for disposal.
Finally, the team is also in charge of training staff at the waste treatment facility and organizing transport.
A great success and a good challenge for our waste management team. Thanks to the customer's confidence, Onet Technologies is now one of the leading companies in nuclear facility operation and waste management.
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