IGH regulations: everything you need to know

Due to their sheer size, high-rise buildings (IGH) are exposed to particular risks. This is particularly true in the case of fire, since the high floors of these buildings are inaccessible from the outside with conventional emergency vehicles. As the owner of a building of this type, HGV regulations require you to take a number of steps to ensure the safety of occupants and neighboring structures.

What is a high-rise building? Definition:

High-rise buildings are governed by both the Decree of December 30, 2011 (safety regulations for the construction of high-rise buildings and their protection against the risks of fire and panic) and the French Construction Code.

A high-rise building is defined by the distance between the bottom floor of its highest level and the ground. A residential building is classified as a high-rise when this distance exceeds 50 meters. Other types of building are classified as IGH from 28 meters upwards.

IGH regulations cover the following points:

  • building layout rules ;
  • design rules for the structure (compartmentalization, smoke extraction, fire-stop rating of components);
  • emergency and alarm systems;

the obligations of building owners and occupants (maintenance of installations, information).

Emergency resources in compliance with IGH regulations

The fire safety system

High-rise buildings must be equipped with a fire safety system (SSI) comprising automatic detection zones only. This system must comply with the requirements of ERP (establishments open to the public) regulations.

Fire detectors must be installed in accordance with current regulations, i.e. in corridors (common or private), in special-risk premises or premises housing activities related to the building's operation.

In the event of a detector becoming aware, several fire safety fire safety can be triggered: the fire alarm is triggered in the compartment concerned, the smoke extraction system is activated, the compartment is automatically closed (doors, hatches, etc.) or access controls are unlocked to allow people to evacuate.

Fire-fighting equipment must also be installed in accordance with regulatory requirements: fire extinguishers, fire hydrants or sprinklers as appropriate.


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The central security station

As far as the design of the premises is concerned, you need to provide a central security station (CSSP) on the same level and close to the access reserved for firefighters. This area, with a minimum surface area of 50 m², is reserved for personnel in charge of fire safety in the building. It must be able to monitor the building and communicate with each compartment in the event of fire and locked doors.

You must also equip your PCS with tools that will be useful to the emergency services in the event of an intervention: building plans, communication devices, etc...

Obligations of the owner and occupants of a high-rise building

Maintenance of building installations

As the owner of a building classified as a high-rise building, you are obliged to carry out maintenance work on the building's technical and safety installations. These checks are recorded in the equipment maintenance logbook.

In particular, the following items (non-exhaustive list) must be checked annually:

  • lighting of common areas;
  • elevators ;
  • fire safety system (FSS) scenarios ;
  • staircase smoke vents ;
  • fire extinguishers ;
  • internal communications and intercoms ;
  • unlocking emergency exits ;
  • electrical installations.

Based on your observations, you should take all necessary steps to ensure the safety of the structure.

Building fire extinguishers


Fire safety and personal assistance service

The safety of the occupants of a high-rise building is ensured by a fire safety and personal assistance service (Ssiap). This service is staffed by qualified personnel (trained in safety systems and personal assistance) and can be entrusted with the following missions (non-exhaustive list):

  • manning the central security post ;
  • organize rescue operations before the arrival of the fire department and/or take part in rescue operations as soon as the fire brigade arrives;
  • prevent fire hazards (e.g. by making rounds);
  • ensure the proper operation of the installations;
  • enforce the regulations in the event of a fire;
  • supervise the evacuation of occupants if necessary.

qualification and training levels for safety personnel assigned to high-rise buildings :

SSIAP 1: for security guards ;

SSIAP 2: for team leaders ;

SSIAP 3: for the department manager.

Depending on the type of building in question (housing, education, hotel, etc.), the minimum composition of the fire safety department is defined in the specific provisions of the regulations. For example, for a high-rise building classified R (education), the fire safety and personal assistance service must comprise at least one team leader (qualified SSIAP 2) and two safety officers (qualified SSIAP 1), reporting to the head of the safety service.

Occupant information and awareness

In order to prevent panic, you are obliged to inform occupants and tenants of the correct procedures to follow. This can be done by drafting a memo detailing the various safety devices in place, and evacuation procedures, which can be made available to all users.

In addition, you are required toorganize an annual evacuation drill for each compartment, with a real-life situation (awareness of a detector and activation of safety systems). You are also required to post evacuation plans and safety instructions in common horizontal and vertical corridors.

Finally, raising user awareness of the right thing to do and their obligations as occupants of a high-rise building is essential to get everyone involved.

The above provisions are general and common to all buildings classified as IGH. There are in fact 10 categories of IGH, depending on their use (residential, care, hotels, offices, etc.). Depending on the use, IGH regulations may include additional, specific provisions to ensure the safety of people and property in a more "personalized" way. 

Onet's agents are SSIAP-qualified, and are already involved in fire risk management for all types of buildings classified as IGH. Drawing on our experience, we'll work with you to draw up a risk prevention plan tailored to your needs, in full compliance with current IGH regulations. Don't hesitate to contact us for more information and a personalized quote.

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