Établissements Recevant du Public (ERP): sites subject to specific safety and security obligations

By their very nature, establishments open to the public (ERP) are exposed to multiple risks. At Onet Sécurité, our agents are specifically trained and prepared to intervene in the event of an incident. Here's a look back at two successful interventions at the Office Français de l'Immigration et de l'Intégration and the Mantes-La-Jolie hospital.

Sites exposed to multiple risks

Establishments open to the public (ERP) are buildings to which outsiders are admitted. Malicious acts, terrorist threats, demonstrations, fires... Because these sites are exposed to many and varied risks, they are subject to safety and security obligations of varying degrees of stringency, depending on the type of building, the activity or the number of members of the public.

Security guards on duty are trained in the risks involved. They must demonstrate a heightened level of vigilance in order to identify and anticipate threats that could compromise the safety of people and property. Their perfect knowledge of the architecture of the site they are working on (access routes, surface area, special security equipment, etc.) also contributes to efficient surveillance.

Methodology and self-control for guaranteed public safety

Last October, Onet Security agents guarding the Montrouge (92) branch of the Office Français de l'Immigration et de l'Intégration (OFII) were faced with a case of force majeure. After arriving without an appointment, a man armed with two knives started walking back and forth in front of the building entrance.

Faced with the individual's nervousness and the threat he represented, our agents reacted very quickly and lucidly to ensure the safety of the public present in the establishment. First of all, they set up a security perimeter and closed the various entrances to the site, then alerted the customer, who requested the intervention of the police.

Fire safety, an essential component for ERP buildings

In November, a fire broke out in the radiology department of the Mantes-La-Jolie hospital. Two SSIAP officers on duty intervened to prevent the fire spreading throughout the department. Quickly and methodically, they evacuated all nursing staff and patients. Alerted quickly, the fire department was able to extinguish the fire.

The Mantes-La-Jolie hospital is a public-access facility. By its very nature, the site is subject to stricter fire-safety legislation, with the implementation of additional safety measures relating to clearance, smoke extraction, evacuation, etc.

Our staff are well aware of the risks to patients in the event of fire. On a daily basis, they ensure the safety of the building through preventive rounds. During these rounds, they check the condition of safety equipment (fire extinguishers, armed fire valves, smoke extraction systems, fire doors) and the accessibility of access routes. These preventive missions are essential if we are to be as effective and operational as possible in the event of an incident.

All in all, the outcome of this intervention was very positive, as no one was injured during the fire. The actions of the two agents ensured the health and safety of all present.

Sites secured by Onet, UGAP contract holder

of active market references

The two sites mentioned above are part of the UGAP security services market. With over 1 million active contract references, UGAP is an essential tool in the public sector. For over 10 years, Onet Security has held UGAP contracts for human security services on sensitive and non-sensitive sites in various French cities. UGAP & Onet are committed to a responsible approach.

Over the past few years, Onet' s security business has been able to support a wide range of public establishments with very different issues and expectations. Onet's teams are just as well-trained to provide security in sensitive locations such as ministries and prefectures, which require extra vigilance, as they are in high-traffic environments such as museums.

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