CEA CESTA and Onet Technologies: a fruitful long-term collaboration

CEA Cesta, a major site dedicated to research and innovation in the nuclear field, has renewed its confidence in Onet Technologies to carry out nuclear logistics and radiological control missions, in particular within its Radiological Protection Service (SPR). This collaboration with the operator, which has already lasted six years, testifies to the CEA's satisfaction with the skills, flexibility and responsiveness of Onet Technologies' teams.

The missions entrusted to Onet Technologies at CEA Cesta

Onet Technologies hasrecognized expertise in nuclear clean-up and radiation protection, acquired over many years of working with key players in the nuclear industry.

At the CEA Cesta site, our teams carry out the following tasks:

At the heart of CEA Cesta's radiological challenges, Onet Technologies is involved in the installation of the Laser Megajoule, the CEA having decided to team up with an industrial company specializing in the management of nuclear installations. The Laser Megajoule is state-of-the-art equipment designed to study the extreme conditions required to reproduce the nuclear fusion process, such as those found in nuclear weapons or in the heart of stars.

CEA Cesta and Onet Technologies: a relationship built on trust over the past six years

After an initial assignment that brought the CEA complete satisfaction, Onet Technologies was asked to renew the contract for a larger-scale service than the previous one.

Henri-Paul Strazielle, market correspondent for CEA CESTA's SPR, underlines his confidence in and satisfaction with our teams: 

We've been working with Onet Technologies for six years now, since the contract was renewed. If this contract has been renewed, it's because the CEA is satisfied! There's a very good relationship with the teams, and a certain flexibility on their part, which enables them to react quickly to additional requests from the CEA, in line with expectations. We're dealing with people who have considerable expertise in radiation protection and sanitation, which enables them to react quickly. Onet Technologies and CEA Cesta have a very good relationship, which is based on complete transparency.

Lilian Bonnet, Onet Technologies site manager at CEA Cesta, confirms this: 

Onet Technologies provides the CEA with flexibility and responsiveness across the board. We work on a facility that is sensitive in terms of France's nuclear deterrent, and so we systematically need to be agile when it comes to the requests we receive.

To meet the CEA's expectations, Onet Technologies has recruited, trained and upgraded the skills of its employees, particularly in the field of radiation protection.

This fruitful relationship between Onet Technologies and CEA Cesta demonstrates the ability of our teams to meet the complex challenges of sanitation and radiation protection in the nuclear sector, reinforcing our position as CEA Cesta's preferred partner.


SPR functions at CEA Cesta

Among the tasks entrusted to Onet Technologies by the operator are those carried out by the CEA Cesta SPR, a radiation protection department that guarantees the radiological health of personnel throughout the center. This department also manages related tasks, such as radioactive waste management. The conditioning of radioactive waste aims to ensure its safe containment and minimize its impact on the environment and human health, by controlling exposure to ionizing radiation. The CEA develops innovative technologies to treat and condition this waste, with a focus on nuclear safety and ensuring the responsible use of atomic energy. It also works to raise awareness and train its staff to ensure a culture of radiation protection within the institution. The main challenge in managing this radioactive waste is to ensure that it is properly conditioned before being disposed of at ANDRA's national waste disposal sites.

Against this backdrop, CEA Cesta has entrusted our teams with a number of major assignments in the fields of nuclear clean-up and radiation protection.

Bravo to our teams for their commitment, and thank you to CEA Cesta for the trust you've placed in us over the years!


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