Chronopost and Onet Logistique, teamwork in times of pandemic
Since the creation of Chronopost's 14th Hub in Aulnay-Sous-Bois in October 2018, no fewer than 200 Onet Logistique employees have been working alongside Chronopost teams every day to carry out the mission entrusted to them: delivering parcels on time.
Céline Lecomte-Gipteau - Agency Manager, explains the missions of the ONET LOGISTIQUE teams with the Chronopost teams during the Covid period.
A long-term partnership
Located at the SEGRO Logistics Park in Aulnay-sous-Bois, the Hub Nord Ile de France (also known as HNI) boasts an operating area of 10,000m2 and 100 loading and unloading bays.
It is ideally located for rapid connections to the north-east of the Paris region. The Hub also boasts state-of-the-art equipment that perfectly blends the know-how of our teams with new technologies to meet a single objective: any parcel arriving after 11:00 a.m. must be dispatched by 4:30 a.m. the following day (end of transit).
At the Hub Nord Île-de-France, Onet Logistique is responsible for all loading, unloading and handling of non-standard and small parcels, as well as all Chronopost logistics flows.
Since March 2020 and the start of containment, Onet Logistique and Chronopost teams have had to adapt...
Protecting employees while coping with a significant increase in parcel volumes
As soon as the containment was announced, the Chronopost teams and the Chronopost QSE Manager immediately drew up a new prevention plan adapted to ensure that they could carry out their mission under the best possible health and safety conditions. Masks and hydro-alcohol gels are supplied to all employees, and the rules for distancing oneself are explicitly detailed at the start of each shift.
Chronopost had to cope with a significant increase in customer demand. By October 31, no fewer than 33 million parcels had been handled, including 31 million mechanizable parcels, 2,406,000 Small parcels and 1,027,057 non-standard parcels.
Compared with April 2019, this represents a 73% increase in the volume of machineable parcels.
Moreover, parcel business is seasonal. August, historically a quiet month, saw a 206% increase in parcel volume, to 1,026,941 parcels in August 2020.
Onet Logistique's teams responded perfectly to the challenge of the period. Explanations from Céline Lecomte- Gipteau , Multi-sites Director, Île-de-France distribution.
"Every week, forecasts are received and meetings are organized to anticipate peaks in activity. At Onet Logistique, our strength lies in our ability to react quickly to peaks in activity, and to train the necessary staff. In the space of a week, Onet Logistique teams were able to deploy 64 extra people to the site to handle HNI 2. Even on very short-term special operations, we are highly responsive, with clear processes in place thanks to a briefing at the start of each shift to remind people of the rules governing removal, off-standards, etc. .... Our strength lies in our qualified staff, who undergo training throughout their assignment. This training is reinforced by the display of best practices on all workstations. And this busy period is not over yet. With the approach of the festive season and the sales at the beginning of January, the Onet Logistique and Chronopost teams remain fully mobilized".
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